Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Everyone get English learning in their school.The study English to get better job.In The United States of America is a great country with its vast geographical, cultural, ethnic, and economical values. It is always believed to be the perfect destination to learn English in its most standard, international form.  The cultural richness and traditional values of the USA have long attracted the international student community to pursue English courses in USA.
In this regard, ESL offers a wide range of English language courses in USA. Along with its geographical significance the country is a land of natural abundance with huge lakes, mighty deserts, snow covered mountains and majestic coastlines. Thus the USA is the perfect place to study English language courses for both domestic and foreign students.
English school in Berkeley, California

Our course centre is located in the heart of Berkeley close to the famous Berkeley University. The communication facility in this centre is so convenient that anybody can get here easily. The school here consists of total nine class rooms, a well kept library with a good number of useful books and a computer lab with free internet access. Besides, there are wifi enabled campuses where one can sit, turn on a laptop and get access to the internet. Along with classroom learning, several outdoor activities are designed for the all round development of students. If you want to relax yourself with some sporting events, you can try your hand at basketball, baseball, hockey and football. Moreover, the natural surroundings of the course centre give you a sense of closeness to nature during your English courses in USA. For theatre lovers Berkeley’s Asian District is an ideal place.
Another ESL study destination in USA is Portland, or you could visit Chicago, Boston, Denver, Miami, New York etc.

Courses we offer

Our ESL English language courses are designed for effective reading, writing, speaking and grammatical proficiency. We give due care in vocabulary building so that our students develop a strong base for the practical use of English in real sphere of day to day life. Thus, the integrated approaches designed by our experienced academics are of immense utility to develop the most coveted English Course in USA.
So, students from all over the world take English Language courses in USA with ESL. If you choose to join them, you will feel the difference that top quality makes. We can assure you that this will be an unforgettable experience.

By M.Karni Hajiri


It is your memory that allows you to recall information that you’ve learned or past experiences. As you age, your memory tends to decline. However, there are memory techniques and lifestyle habits that enable you to improve your cognitive performance.
Food: Eat healthy foods, rich in certain vitamins and minerals to improve your memory. Get plenty of antioxidants by consuming nuts, seeds, citrus fruits, sweet potatoes, red tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, and different types of berries. These food contain vitamins C and E as well as beta carotene that enhance the flow of oxygen throughout your brain and body, which improve your cognitive functioning. Also eat walnuts, flaxseed, and different types of fish such as herring, tuna, and halibut because these food contain omega-3 fatty acids. These acids are known to improve memory.
Working Out: Exercise can help improve your memory too. Exercise increases the oxygen that gets pumped to your brain which helps you think and remember better. For example, take a short walk if you are having a difficult time studying or working. This little bit of exercise gets your blood flowing to the brain, which in return helps you retain the information. Some diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease cause memory loss. Regular exercise reduces the risk of developing these diseases.
Lifestyle Changes: Reduce the stress in your life because stress literally damages your brain and memory. When you are overwhelmed, your body release a hormone, Cortisol. This hormone damages the hippocampus, the part of your brain responsible for memory. You also want to moderate your alcohol consumption. When police officers pull over drunk drivers, they administer sobriety tests which often include counting backwards or reciting the alphabet. The reason inebriated people can’t perform these simple tasks is because excessive alcohol consumption affects your ability to recall information. Alcohol abuse destroys brain cells related to memory. Quit smoking. Smoking tobacco increases the risk of stroke which can cause memory loss.
Memory Techniques: If you notice a decline in your ability to recall information or want to enhance your memory, start performing memory techniques. You can stimulate your brain simply by changing up your daily routines. In the morning try brushing your teeth with your non-dominate hand or get dressed with your eyes closed. Learning a new skill such as a new language will also help your memory improve.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


You want to have French speak fluency.You must study hard to get it.French language can study everyone.It is very easier to study it.French is a wonderful language and it's the most cherished all over th world. You can learn to speak french online using free tools that are already available. Before the advent of the internet, it was very difficult to learn a foreign language, especially French that has some norms attached to it. As a great language, you need to follow some basic tips in order to be able to speak French fluently without mincing words and sentences. Let's look at 5 methods you can learn French easily. i). Learn French From Audio Clips This is the first method of learning how to speak french. There are several audio clips out there, specifically produced by French citizens. As you listen to them, you will be able to master french culture, the norms and how to align your sentences and phrases to match the intended thought. ii). Learn French From Books When last did you check your local library? Maybe last year or thereabout. There are huge collection of French resources available on your local library and bookstores. The authors of these book are so conversant with French that they decided to pour out their thoughts and packaged it for you. At your leisure, you can browse through the pages of the book and learn at will. iii). Free French Lessons Another method of mastering French is through free french lessons. There are hundreds of sites out there that provides free lessons for you. There are basic, intermediate as well as advanced French lessons for anyone who is serious about becoming fluent in french. You will learn the basic words, attempt some questions, participate on French quizzes and play some interesting games. These practices are aimed to bring you closer to speaking french and it works if you stick to it. iv). Learn French Software In order to learn to speak french faster and with an accurate overview, resorting to a french learning software could make a huge difference. Majority of the french software out there have a friendly user interface. You can learn at will and listen as French citizens coach you on the use of words and synonyms. I have observed that using a software is the most easiest and fastest method of mastering french. v). Attend A French Seminar If you have the time for this, maybe you should attend a French coaching seminar. This probably will cost you some money but it works. However, I'm recommending this method only as an addition to any of the above methods of learning how to speak french. Truth is, with these five methods, your journey is already on the smooth end. To download a Learn French Software, visit the site here
Take it from 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Community Language Learning Method

a. Teori Belajar
Berdasarkan pengalaman Currant, dia membuat kesimpulan bahwa teknik konseling dapat diterapkan dalam belajar pada umumnya dan pengajaran bahasa secara khusus (Komunitas belajar bahasa).
Ada dua pendapat tentang Community Language Learning (Komunitas Belajar Bahasa) yakni:
Yang pertama berpandangan bahwa belajar putative popular dalam budaya barat, dalam pandangan ini proses intelektual dan factual saja yang dianggap tujuan utama belajar.
Yang kedua pembelajaran yang mengacu pada pembelajaran hewan dimana peserta didik menjadi pasif dan keterbatasan mereka terpisah. Belajar terjadi bila adanya komunikasi antara guru dan siswa. Proses ini dibagi menjadi lima tahap dan dibandingkan dengan perkembangan ontogenetik anak yakni;
a. Tahap pertama yaitu kelahiran kealam dunia ini.
 b. Tahap kedua yaitu kemampuan pembelajar meningkat, siswa sebagai
    anak mulai mendapatkan kebebasan dari orangtua.
c.. Tahap ketiga yaitu pembelajar berbicara secara bebas, mungkin perlu
    untuk menegaskan identitas diri.
d. Tahap keempat yaitu pembelajar dapat menerima kritik.
e. Tahap kelima yaitu anak telah menjadi dewasa.
b. Prinsip dasar CLL
Dalam pelaksanaan metode ini, guru mengganggap siswanya sebagai ―whole person/ pribadi menyeluruh‖. Whole-person learning maksudnya adalah guru tidak hanya mempertimbangkan perasaan dan kepandaian siswa, tetapi juga mempunyai pemahaman tentang perasaan siswa, reaksi fisik, reaksi protektif instingtif, dan keinginan untuk belajar.
Curran menyimpulkan bahwa teknik konseling dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran dan pengajaran bahasa.Tugas utama konselor agar pelajar merasa aman dari ancaman dan kecemasan. Ada berbagai gagasan mengenai persyaratan psikologis untuk menjadi pembelajar sukses termasuk dalam singkatan SARD.S (Security) artinya keamanan,
A (attention/aggression) artinya perhatian dan agresi. CLL mengakui hilangnya perhatian sebagai indikasi kurangnya keterlibatan siswa dalam belajar. Agresi berfungsi dengan cara bagaimana cara seorang anak setelah belajar sesuatu mengambil alih dan menunjukkan kekuatan apa yang telah dipelajari dengan menggunakan pengetahuan baru sebagai alat untuk dirinya sendiri.
R sebagai retensi atau refleksi.Jika seluruh siswa terlibat dalam proses belajar mengajar maka apa yang dipertahankan lalu diinternalisasikan menjadi bagian pengalaman baru siswa dalam bahasa asing.Refleksi merupakan identifikasi secara diam-diam dalam rancangan pembelajaran siswa.
D sebagai diskriminasi yakni ketika peserta didik telah mempelajari materi, lalu mereka siap untuk memecahkan masalah mengatasinya dan melihat suatu hal berkaitan satu sama lainnya.Proses diskriminasi menjadi lebih halus dan akhirnya memungkinkan siswa untuk menggunakan bahasa untuk menggunakan bahasa untuk tujuan komunikasi di luar kelas.
Tujuan penggunaan metode ini agar siswa belajar bagaimana menggunakan bahasa target secara komunikatif. Siswa juga belajar bagaimana belajar sendiri dan bertanggung jawab untuk hal ini, dan belajar bagaimana belajar bersama orang lain.
Peran utama guru adalah sebagai konselor, artinya guru mengenali bagaimana ancaman situasi belajar yang baru dapat terjadi pada siswa, sehingga guru dapat memahami dan memberi dukungan untuk siswanya dalam usahanya menguasai bahasa.
c. Jenis Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar
Communicative Language Learning merupakan penggabungan dari belajar inovatif dengan belajar konvensional yakni:
1. Terjemahan. Siswa membisikan pesan yang ia akan ucapkan, guru
     menerjemahkan ke dalam bahasa target dan pelajar mengulangi
     terjemahan guru.
2. Kelompok Kerja. Siswa dapat terlibat dalam tugas-tugas kelompok seperti
    diskusi kelompok dengan satu topik, menyiapkan percakapan, menyiapkan
     ringkasan topik untuk presentasi ke kelompok lain, menyiapkan sebuah
     cerita yang akan disajikan kepada guru dan seluruh siswa.
3. Merekam. Siswa merekam percakapan dalam bahasa target.
4. Transkripsi. Siswa menuliskan ucapan-ucapan dan percakapan mereka
     lalu direkam untuk dipraktekkan dan meanalisis bentuk-bentuk linguistic.
5. Analisis. Siswa menganalisis dan mempelajari transkripsi kalimat bahasa
    target untuk difokuskan pada penggunaan leksikal tertentu atau pada
    penerapan aturan tata bahasa tertentu.
6. Refleksi dan Observasi. Siswa mencerminkan dan melaporkan
    pengalaman di kelas mereka.Sebagai kelas atau dalam kelompok.Hal ini
    terjadi sebagai ungkapan perasaan satu sama lain dan kepedulian
    terhadap sesuatu untuk dikatakan dan lain sebagainya.
7. Mendengarkan. Siswa mendengarkan monolog oleh guru yang melibatkan
    unsur-unsur dari mereka dalam interaksi di kelas.  
8. Percakapan bebas. Siswa terlibat percakapan bebas dengan guru atau
     siswa lain.Hal ini mungkin termasuk dalam diskusi tentang apa yang
     mereka pelajari serta perasaan mereka tentang apa yang telah dipelajari.
d. Contoh Pelaksanaan pembelajaran
1. Satu kelas terdiri dari 6 – 12 siswa yang duduk dengan membentuk
2. Guru memberi salam, mengenalkan diri dan mempersilakan siswa saling
3. Guru memberi tahu siswa tentang apa yang akan dilakukan, menjelaskan
     prosedur dan menentukan batasan waktu.
4. Guru berdiri di luar lingkaran dari siswa berada.
5. Tape recorder disiapkan untuk merekam ucapan siswa (yang direkam
     hanya ucapan bahasa target yang sedang dipelajari yang nantinya akan
6. Siswa melakukan percakapan. Seorang siswa mengucapkan dengan keras
     pesan menggunakan bahasa pertama. Guru berdiri dibelakang siswa
7. Guru memberikan pesan dalam bahasa target.
8. Siswa mengulangi pesan dengan suara yang keras untuk teman-teman
    dengan menggunakan bahasa kedua.
9. Proses ini dilakukan berulang-ulang serta direkam. Dalam proses ini, guru
     juga memberi tahu sisa waktu untuk percakapan.
10. Setelah selesai siswa diajak membicarakan tentang perasaan mereka
      selama percakapan, guru memahami dan menerima semua yang
      diungkapkan siswa.
11. Ucapan-ucapan ini dimainkan lagi, diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa
12. Siswa disuruh membuat setengah lingkaran menghadap papan tulis dan
      ucapan-ucapan yang telah dirakam tadi di transkripsikan.
13. Pada kegiatan Human ComputerTM, siswa memilih frase mana yang
       ingin mereka latih pengucapannya. Guru mengikuti apa yang diinginkan
       siswa, mengulangi frase sampai siswa merasa puas dan berhenti.
14. Pada pertemuan yang lain, siswa juga bisa bekerjasama dalam kelompok
       kecil (tiga orang).
15. Jika ada kesalahan, guru memberikan koreksi dengan cara mengulangi
      dengan benar kalimat yang telah dibuat siswa.

            Community Language Learning (Komunitas belajar bahasa) merupakan metode yang paling responsive dari segi sensitivitas untuk pelajar.Tujuan komunitas ini terhambat oleh jumlah dan pengetahuan sesama peserta didik.Guru harus sensitif terhadap bahasa pertama dan bahasa kedua.Guru harus siap menerima bahkan mendorong para siswa untuk bersifat agresi karena ia berusaha untuk bebas.Guru mengajar tanpa bahan konvensional tergantung pada topik siswa untuk memotivasi kelas.
            Sekelompok peserta didik duduk membentuk lingkaran dengan guru berdiri di luar lingkaran; siswa berbisik dalam bahasa asli sedangkan silabus yang menjadikan tujuan menjadi jelas dan evaluasi sulit dicapai.Hal ini fokus pada kelancaran bukan pada ketepatan yang menyebabkan kontrol tidak memadai dari bahasa sasaran.Manfaat positif dari metode ini yakni berpusat pada peserta didik dan menekankan sisi humanistik belajar bahasa dan bukan hanya dimensi bahasanya.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Register in Narrative.

A narrative is some kind of retelling, often in words (though it is possible to mime a story), of something that happened (a story). The narrative is not the story itself but rather the telling of the story -- which is why it is so often used in phrases such as "written narrative," "oral narrative," etc. While a story just is a sequence of events, a narrative recounts those events, perhaps leaving some occurrences out because they are from some perspective insignificant, and perhaps emphasizing others. In a series of events, a car crash takes a split second. A narrative account, however, might be almost entirely about the crash itself and the few seconds leading up to it. Narratives thus shape history (the series of events, the story of what happened).

In the other definition A narrative is a story that is created in a constructive format (as a work of speech, writing, song, film, television, video games, photography or theatre) that describes a sequence of fictional or non-fictional events. The word derives from the Latin verb narrare, "to recount", and is related to the adjective gnarus, "knowing" or "skilled".[1] Ultimately its origin is found in the Proto-Indo-European root gnō-, "to know".[2]
The word "story" may be used as a synonym of "narrative", but can also be used to refer to the sequence of events described in a narrative. A narrative can also be told by a character within a larger narrative. An important part of narration is the narrative mode, the set of methods used to communicate the narrative through a process narration.
Along with exposition, argumentation and description, narration, broadly defined, is one of four rhetorical modes of discourse. More narrowly defined, it is the fiction-writing mode whereby the narrator communicates directly to the reader.
Stories are an important aspect of culture. Many works of art and most works of literature tell stories; indeed, most of the humanities involve stories. Owen Flanagan of Duke University, a leading consciousness researcher, writes that “Evidence strongly suggests that humans in all cultures come to cast their own identity in some sort of narrative form. We are inveterate storytellers” (Consciousness Reconsidered 198).
Stories are of ancient origin, existing in ancient Egyptian, ancient Greek, Chinese and Indian culture. Stories are also a ubiquitous component of human communication, used as parables and examples to illustrate points. Storytelling was probably one of the earliest forms of entertainment. Narrative may also refer to psychological processes in self-identity, memory and meaning-making.

A assuming that every narrative begins with an Orientation will be unproductive when it comes to producing a gripping detective story which usually begins with the Complication (a crime). We can adapt Halliday’s notion of register to this challenge, differentiating each variable as follows:
1 Field: While its topics are potentially limitless, every narrative creates a possible world,” peopled by characters and their actions and reactions. Students need to learn to create and resolve a world of (problematic) experience for one or more characters.
2 Tenor: We animate the relationships of these characters and their world and evaluate the significance of what happens for them (and for readers). Students need to learn how to evaluate experience and to position their readers to respond with feelings such as empathy, suspense, judgment, and humor.
3 Mode: We compose a text that coheres with itself and with its context. Students need to learn to produce texts that create and sustain the conditions for their interpretation. In written narratives, the reader needs to build the context for interpretation by means of language alone. In multimodal texts, this is achieved through different mechanisms, such as layout and editing.
In an educational environment register needs to be co-articulated with the “ways of knowing” relevant to particular disciplines. With narrative, for example, the three register variables can be productively connected to both narrative and film theory. These theories increasingly shape the epistemologies of school English. In the case of narrative, understandings about fields of experience should take young learners into new under­standings of “plot,” “characterization,” and “setting”; tenor should enable them to work with “point of view” (often called “focalization”); and mode should introduce them to the semiotic organization of written, spoken, and multimodal narratives. In short, a discipline-specific model of register allows us to connect text production and discussion about text to the epistemological demands of schooling. We are now in a position to turn our attention to a more detailed exploration of what register offers the study of narrative semiotics.
The activities occurring early in Nicole’s narrative include the following:
1 Princess A gather is introduced walking through the woods;
2 a witch jumps out and drinks some liquid and then screams;
3 the witch turns into a beautiful lady like the princess and drops a note for her to read;
4 the (real) princess picks up the note that informs her about what she has to do to regain herbeauty;
5 Princess A gather looks into a lake and finds herself looking at the face of a witch.
       At an abstract level, however, narrative experience is a field of transformation and this can be realized verbally or visually (or multi modally, as in a movie).
Nicole uses time clauses, phrases, and conjunctions in Theme position to give temporal coherence to her narrative. For example:
Many years ago when the world was full of magic
One day
Just as ..

The cohesive devices used by the writer are related to but different from those used by the animator. Nevertheless, choices have to be made if the artist is to create a coherent text. Teachers and students need a meta language for exploring these and the resources of mode have proved.
Publisher byM.Karni Hajiri
English Teacher.


In Indonesia be present some tourists place like Tobe lake, Borubodur Temple and Loksado mountain.In Loksado be present some place for recreation..Loksado is one of tourism object in South Kalimantan.It is located in Hulu Sungai Selatan regency.This place has many tourism object such as Haratai Waterfall, Hot Water spring, Long house and the most interisting place bamboo rafting.Loksado is a district is hilly area.Dayak people as native and now many new comers come and live in Loksado.It is about 38 kms from Kandangan the capital regency and takes time 1 hour by taxi. 

Loksado can be reached by a taxi or motorcycle, as you arrive in Loksado you can spend night at hotel in Loksado and then you can arrage your trip.These are descriptions of tourism in Loksado.We begin from Haratai waterfall.It is nice can reached by on foot and motorcycle.Here you can feel the atmosphere of topic forest and fresh air of the Meratus Mountain. If you are lucky you can see some animals like monkey, pig, and long nose monkey.

The other interesting place is hot water spring in Tanuhi.This place can get for swimming.Here also is available a good hotel.This water is believe as medicine for skin problems.The third place is Long house or Local people call Balai.Long house has many functions such as media for socializing, ritual events and the most important thing is they live together there.Usually the long house is stayed by many families and the biggest long house is Balai Malaris two kilometers from Loksado.Dayak people do the ritual ceremony three each year as thank to God.

The last is bamboo rafting, this adventure bring us to an good experience to enjoy the stream of Amandit river.Here we can enjoy the natural view and see the panorama of Amandit river.Bamboo rafting starts from Loksado and finish in Muara Hatip it takes time 3 and half hours depend on the depth of river.In Muara Hatip hotel is also available.Here visitor can take a rest for a while and feel tha atmosphere of village life.However Loksado not only give an alternative tourist destination to visit but also is able to give a new experience to the visitors.
Publisher by Muhammad Karni Hajiri
English Teacher.


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